You may not think anything exciting happens on sea days, and you would be SO WRONG. Exhibit 1: Food Carving Demonstration I am currently mastering several line dances. It’s a challenge keeping my balance while the ship rocks, so it’s a good core workout. We go through the steps first, then add the music. I seem to be okay with the steps at first, but when the music comes on, I get so into the groove that I’m constantly missing steps. But no one cares – we encourage each other, and with repetition I eventually get it. I’ve got a few weddings coming up next year where I may break out my moves. There’s a fun young Serbian girl named Angela who’s teaching us, full of boundless energy – oh to be that young again! I’ve been writing down the steps, but it sounds like a secret code in an eight-count: double heel, double toe, heel, toe, heel, toe, rock step front, rock step back, John Travolta, John Travolta, grapevine to the right, and pivot. It’s going to take all the rest of the sea day...
World Cruise 2023